Eeks! How is it I remember blogging about something that happened BEFORE I ever had a blog! Are blogs like cell phones and Diet coke now? We can't seem to remember how we did things before they came along? I can almost swear I blogged about Dandy's birthday party last year because it was a crazy day where I gave
his party and attended
two others
plus an entire parade!!! That was a day etched in my mind and my camera! I must have emailed my tales to people before blogging because I put those events together somewhere. I just know it.
Well, anyway, I'm going to try to push past this and do a little compare/contrast with my birthday boy's 5th and 6th parties now that I'm actually blogging outside my mind. I am right?
OK! So. Dandy, our little party planner extraordinaire, likes to plan his birthday celebrations well in advance. We've known all year, for instance, that his number six party would be a "blue" party with an underlying "Thomas the Tank Engine" theme. Easy enough, we made it so.
Here we have things like:
blue rice krispy treats,
blue chips, gummy bears and m&m's in
blue dip for the non
blue veggies,
blue chocolate dipped pretzels(not pictured because I forgot to get them out),
blue filling in the non
blue tortillas, white cheese and white cheese dip ( I just didn't have the heart to soil the cheese dip after everything else was doused in
food coloring.)
And then we had the Thomas cupcakes, stickers and gifts to round out that portion of the theme.

Yes, he was one happy party host, walking around handing out spoons and stickers with a most hospitable air. There was no room for
blue moods by the time this party started.
We had trains coming and going for engineers young and old to busy themselves with.
And my sweet sister-from-another-mister, Arlynda and her family even came up from Tulsa! :D (We have always been twin-like in our looks and sillies. HI ARLY!)
What I have failed to mention or picture in this happy go lucky post is that while everyone was
blueing it up heartily, slowly the children were dropping like flies. Two kids left early with stomach aches (NOT caused by my colored food-I promise!), and then one of my nephews fessed up to his tummy woes but couldn't bring himself to leave while the leaving was good. About an hour later.....we saw the party again....all..over.. the..floor. Yep, after so carefully keeping the
fluorescent punch in restricted areas away from the carpet-- hurl happened. And it wasn't train colored.
Did I say up there I was going to compare and contrast two parties? Do YOU have all day to read this blog entry? Did you check out after the first picture realizing this is just another had-to-be-there post? That's what I figured. And I'm supposed to be washing my dogs for Thanksgiving travels!! That is, no doubt, the reason I'm still here.
Ok, instead of changing the title of this post (which would be the logical choice),I'll just show you what last years party looked like so I can say I included it. It was quite the Festivus of Verdis if I do say so myself. Which would you rather eat (or hurl)? Green or Blue?
As you can see, our adorable Dandy is a colorful chap at any age! Happy birthday big D! I'm hearing talk of
Red and
Orange for next year so we shall see. We shall see.
Have a great week and Holiday weekend everyone! I may not see you for a while!