Yesterday we received a paper invitation, printed and folded into quarters home-made-card style. It said:Dear Parents,
You and your family are invited to attend the awards night for the youth's writing contest given by the [Our town] Writers. Your child, or children, will receive a certificate along with the prize money.
"Your child, or children, will receive a certificate along with the prize money"? What? One or BOTH of my children will receive THE prize money? I'm confused.
Why can't I understand the writing of the Writers Club?
So that happened yesterday. And tonight, the kids and I went to the Senior Citizens Activity Center as requested on the invite, instead of going to see Jamey play music in Fayetteville as we'd planned.
It's a good thing we did too because my boy won FIRST PLACE in the Prose category with his story 'The Golden Manatee'. This was a contest he entered totally on his own volition from a flyer he saw at school! Isn't that neato? He had to write a short story beginning with the sentence "The door was closed."
What fun for him to be rewarded for something he really enjoys doing!
It's so thrilling and strange to see your children grow up into their own- bageck- (sorry-losing my cool a little bit there) independent selves. He's such a wonderful newly twelve year old and we do love him so...and not just for his prize money.
Have a terrific Easter weekend all!
outstanding, #1! and well done to all y'all for supporting and helping him to grow into himself. Happy Easter to all y'all! xoxoxox
Wow, congratulations! How cool. Do you think he'd let you post his story here?
And happy Easter, Shan.
High Five, Ratchet! That's really cool.
That's is wonderful and he did it all on his OWN! It's so grand to see a kid so something educational that didn't invilve it being an assignment or a requirement or for extra credit.
WTG him! major props- be proud mama!
And I hope we get a video of him, soon, reading his story,. All well known authors go on tours and give readings...
Hey Ratchet -- you rock! This is such awesome news Shan. I'm so glad you didn't skip the ceremony. Be careful with that certificate though -- I think it might be frah-geel-ay.
Aha, congratulations young fellow ... following in Mom's footsteps perhaps?
oh I'm so proud of that boy!! yay!! a writer!!! that thing about not understanding the writing of the writer's club is CLASSIC!!! ba ha ha!! love it.
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