Monday, March 10, 2008

A new entry

Oh the upkeep of having ones own blog!  Whew this pace is absolutely exhausting.  Ok, I guess I don't exactly churn out the info on a daily basis but you must understand;  I'd much rather read all of your amusing and informative words than have to think up my own and then form them into readable thoughts(I'm still working on that part)and finally physically input them onto my page with just the right restraint so as not to come across as a crazy-faced psycho that gives her vitamins personalities and frets over one dinner guest!   
I'll admit I started blogging because I simply didn't have enough room on the comment boxes of your blogs to get out all of my talkativeness.  I feel like I'm always the commenter that leaves a giant flaming S on everyones pages like the girl who just didn't know how to NIP IT!  Well, sorry if that's true.  It's only because I like you and call you "friend" in my mind and sometimes in real life as well. 
The other thing is I am an INPUT JUNKIE. I could read all day if I could stay awake and I love surfing around and finding out about everybody's goings on like I'm sitting in a giant room listening to all types of people all over the world and piping in from time to time with my own couple cents when I want to.  Wouldn't I be a veritable mecca of information if I could retain anything longer than a minute.
Oh, and if I'm not sitting in front of the lighted screen of goodness gnarling my sciatic nerve up in bundles, then I immediately shift over to the auditory input I'm equally fond of.   I don't do lots of noises at once well but, boy do I ever need some voice other than my own going in my head most of the time.  I have one of those little i-pod dealios filled to the brim with talking programs.   And if I'm home and fairly alone, I've got that thing going and telling me stories or sermons or even lectures from college courses(if I'm really low on listening materials ;).
  Anything half entertaining or educational in my ears if I'm doing housework will allow me to accomplish terrifically tedious tasks( triple "t" in the hizouse!) without a complaint or even a notice sometimes. I'll think to myself "I guess I'd better get in there and peel that wallpaper off the wall...What? The mindless Mommy drone has already been here?  Oh, that does seem vaguely familiar to me and come to think of it I'm covered in tiny scraps of paper so....Cool."  Actually, it's more often than not something slightly less useful like "Lookie there!  Somebody put together that 550 piece puzzle that the kids left on the table." 
 I do hope to finish painting the shed soon with this same worker drone mentality.  That'll be nice. 
So there you have it.  The reason my posts are all kind of Seinfeld in that they are kind of about nothing at all.  Boy can I ever DRONE (oh yeah, still rockin' the bee metaphors) on about it once I get started though, eh?  I truly have the gift of gab. 
 Now, back to your blogs.  I hope you've got them all updated for me.
Your avid reader, Shan ;).  
I'll leave you with a shot of a few of us bloggin' girlfriends that most of my readers know.  From left to right Becky, Lori, Me, and Trish at Becks house.  Good times.


AfricaBleu said...

And with that gift of gab, you have that fabulous laugh, which is a giant red velvet bow atop said gift. No-one who hears Shannon laugh can restrain herself from joining in. For reals.

I like that picture--I look like a crazy English professor/writer.

sarah cool said...

you crack me up, shannon!!!!! i love it.

Tally said...

Ditto on B's comment! Nothin' better than a Shan laugh! Amen?

And that gift you have is a GIFT! In the sense of talent. Use it, my friend! We LOVE to hear your goings on as much as you love to read ours.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say that your blogs are about nothing. You always have my undivided attention, up until the very end of your entry. Arl

Anonymous said...

You rock my face off Shannon and if I don't see comments from you, I'm personally offened :P I SO enjoy you, every quarky and sunshiney bit :)

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